Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA November/December 2020 | Page 71

CBD products are ideal for people who want the many benefits cannabis offers without the intoxicating side effects. Studies have shown CBD helps people keep a clear head while easing their suffering from chronic pain, neuropathic pain, sleep disorders, arthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, muscle spasms, epilepsy, nausea, and headaches. It also helps with psychiatric and mood disorders such as schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, and post concussive syndrome. CBD can also be used as a neuroprotective treatment for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and malignant brain tumors. In fact, it has been shown to reduce the growth of tumors by modulating different cell signaling pathways in gliomas, lymphoma, prostate, breast, skin, and pancreatic cancer cells as well. CBD has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory benefits, which are beneficial to those suffering from autoimmune diseases. Benefits of Growing Your Own CBD You can find CBD products everywhere nowadays. You can find tinctures, capsules, lotions, and more at dispensaries, pharmacies, grocery stores, and online. However, there are many benefits to growing your own high-CBD cannabis plants. First and foremost, growing your own gives you total quality control. You can ensure that organic gardening practices are used, especially when choosing fertilizers and pesticides, and that there isn’t any mold in your final product. Different strains affect different people in different ways, so you can cultivate the strains that suit you best and use techniques that increase the CBD levels as much as possible. Although growing supplies and electricity can be costly when growing indoors, you can grow your plants almost entirely for free outdoors, which will save you plenty of money and give you an abundance of medicine. “Now that the many benefits of CBD are becoming more well known, there has been a resurgence in breeding CBD-rich cannabis plants.” Growing Tips for High-CBD Plants Growing high-CBD cannabis is just about the same as growing any other kind of cannabis plant, but there are a few tips that can help you get your CBD levels as high as possible. It’s important to note you cannot raise the CBD levels of any plant higher than is genetically possible. In fact, seeds from the same strain will produce varying CBD percentages. This is why it’s important to keep a mother plant and take cuttings once you find a plant you love. With clones, you’ll get the same CBD levels every time. If you’re starting out with seeds, you can test their CBD levels at a lab when they are three to four weeks old. To test your plants, trim off the top few nodes and dry them before sending them into the lab. Once you have identified your plants with the highest CBD levels, you can take clones and keep your phenotype growing indefinitely. A 2011 study found that certain conditions were associated with higher CBD levels in hemp plants. Researchers found that the more precipitation hemp plants were exposed to, the lower the CBD levels, so be sure to keep your humidity levels low and don’t overwater. The most important tip of all is to grow a strain with genetics that are naturally high in CBD. The following strains make excellent additions to your garden. Maximum Yield 71