Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA March/April 2021 | Page 65

Other studies of adult epileptics taking medical cannabis have found similar results to those of the studies on child epileptics in that there is a reduction in severity and frequency of their seizures , but data suggesting there are some adult epileptics who are seizure-free because of CBD medication is currently anecdotal . A lack of significant double-blind studies on adult epileptics using either CBD or a placebo makes reporting definitively on the benefits of CBD for adults challenging , but it is promising . It should be noted that other studies have shown consuming cannabis by smoking is not as effective at controlling epileptic symptoms as with oral CBD medication .
Pain and Inflammation
Individuals have been using cannabis to deal with pain for hundreds of years . In recent years and decades , there is clinical evidence to support its prescribed use for individuals with both chronic pain and neuropathic pain . The THC in cannabis has been clinically shown to produce analgesic and antihyperalgesic effects in mice , but studies on thousands of human patients have shown definitively higher reduction in pain measures with cannabinoids when compared with placebos . Evidence for cannabis ’ s ability to reduce and treat various types of pain is strong enough that the National Academy of Science , Engineering , and Medicine of the United States has reported there is “ conclusive or substantial evidence ” that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective treatments for chronic pain .
Complications from AIDS and Cancer Treatment
Individuals both within and outside of the medical community have known cannabis helps increase appetite , reduce nausea , and helps patients in need of gaining weight to do so . As such , medical cannabis is often used in conjunction with several treatments administered to individuals suffering from AIDS / HIV and various types of cancer . Among individuals afflicted with AIDS / HIV , up to 45 percent report using some form of cannabis to help reduce some of their symptoms . Research shows medical cannabis also significantly reduces neuropathic pain in AIDS patients , but both the patient and caregiver must weigh the potential of decreased cognitive function during late stages of the disease . The prolonged and intense nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy has been shown to be reduced by patients using various forms of prescribed cannabinoids . Studies have found medical cannabis is superior in suppressing these symptoms compared to many other commonly prescribed medications . This is true for medications administered orally and intramuscularly . Of perhaps even greater importance to cancer sufferers is evidence in lab trials of mice where it has been shown that some cannabis extracts can kill certain types of cancer cells . Other studies on mice show that it may stop the progression of cancer growth . Further research on lab mice shows that radiation to kill cancer cells is more effective when used in conjunction with THC . More studies on all are still required but the prospect for medical cannabis
stopping some forms of cancer is real . For patients in advanced stages of both cancer and AIDS , there is some evidence to suggest medical cannabis can have negative effects on a patient ’ s already compromised immune system , but researchers note more in-depth studies are still necessary .


AFFLICTED WITH AIDS / HIV , up to 45 percent report using some form of cannabis to help reduce some of their symptoms .”

Maximum Yield 65