Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA March/April 2021 | Page 40

“ From easy-to-make-at-home cannabutter , to sophisticated distillates made in laboratories with complex machinery , there is a vast array of extracts and concentrates that can be used to create a wide variety of cannabis-infused edible products .”
Edible Extracts
Many of the key active cannabinoids found in cannabis are fat soluble . This means the cannabinoids can be extracted and activated when a fat ( such as butter , coconut oil , olive oil , etc .) is combined with heat . These are ideal as stand-alone edibles but can be used in most recipes easily . You can make anything from a simple treat to a complex meal .
photo by Kyle LeGrow
Cannabutter / Canna Oil
This is the most common homeextraction product . To make cannabutter or canna oil , slowly and gently cook suitable cannabis flower material in melted butter or oil ( such as olive oil ) over the span of several hours . The butter or oil is then strained from the plant material and can be used for eating , cooking , baking , or simply buttering toast .
Another commonly made edible extract is the cannabis-infused tincture . Cannabis tinctures are usually made with food-grade glycerin or alcohol . As with cannabutter or canna-oil , a tincture is an extract where the solvent is consumed along with the extracted cannabinoids . In other words , the glycerine or alcohol is used to extract the cannabinoids ( via heat and time ) and is then separated from the plant material . The result is a glycerine- or alcohol-infused product that can be taken as is or added to any edible .
Rick Simpson Oil ( RSO )
Also known as cannabis oil , or often hemp oil , RSO can be smoked , ingested , or applied directly to the skin . RSO is made by slowly cooking cannabis flower material in ethanol until all the chemical compounds have been stripped away from the plant material . Then , once the ethanol has been evaporated away , the extractor is left with a highly concentrated , viscous oil . This method was touted by its creator Rick Simpson because “ the only way to ensure patients have his proprietary blend of oil is for patients to produce it themselves .” However , the process is very dangerous and involves a highly flammable solvent . Don ’ t try this one at home folks !
CO2 extraction in an industrial lab setting .
Smokable and Edible Extracts
Although canna oils , cannabutter , tinctures , or RSO are not made for combustion , they are activated and ready for consumption . Most other cannabis extracts can be either smoked or vaped as well as administered orally . While the following forms of extract are generally produced for dabbing or vaping , they are also a great edibles option for people who don ’ t like the distinctive “ weed ” taste in their brownies . These forms are all produced under precise conditions in an industrial setting . They are only available as consumer products , but represent the newest and most potent extract forms , and are great to use for edibles .
Butane Hash Oil ( BHO )
This type of cannabis extract uses N-Butane as the main solvent . Packed flower material is flushed with butane ( or a butane and propane mix ) until the active chemical compounds are separated from the plant material . The resulting butane liquid is evaporated off , leaving the active cannabinoids , terpenes and fats and lipids are left behind . Through different levels of dewax , temperature , and pressure , the consistency of the resulting product can have a wide variety of textures , from shatter , budder , honeycomb , crumble , diamonds , FSE , or any other form of BHO . photo by Kyle LeGrow
CO 2 Cannabis Oil or CO 2 Hash Oil
Carbon dioxide ( CO 2 ) is a supercritical fluid , which means it changes into a liquid when under extreme pressure . CO 2 extraction allows key chemical compounds to be extracted with a high level of precision . Liquid CO 2 is inserted into a vessel and pumped through a filter where it is separated from the plant matter once the pressure is released . This method produces the most controllable final product with a controllable spectrum but relies on very complex and costly equipment to produce . The results , like BHO , can come in a variety of forms from budder to liquid .
40 Maximum Yield