Subscriptions - Maximum Yield Cannabis USA March/April 2021 | Page 64

While cannabis is becoming more and more accepted throughout society , it ’ s medicinal uses have long been touted by people suffering from a variety of ailments . While more clinical research is being conducted , many people still use cannabis to ease their suffering . Check out these five ailments that are treated by medical cannabis . | by Chris Bond

Five Ailments


There is almost universal acceptance in the scientific community that cannabis can be an effective treatment for many diseases and conditions . We have known for decades about the anecdotal benefits such as increased appetite and pain reduction , but serious , widespread studies into the full potential of this plant commenced in earnest after the turn of the current century . Every day researchers , scientists , and medical professionals are making new discoveries on cannabis ’ s healing potential . Fortunately for folks who live in areas where medical cannabis is an option , there are several ailments that are routinely treated by medical professionals with some form of cannabis , as there is indisputable proof of its effectiveness in treating at least the symptoms of these afflictions , if not the causes .

Epilepsy , Seizures , and Motor Control Diseases
Cannabis treatments are effective to varying degrees for a wide range of individuals of all ages suffering from epilepsy . For children up to age 16 suffering from epilepsy or a related syndrome , medication containing CBD has led to a decrease in both the severity and frequency of their symptoms . Studies have shown CBD medications effectively eliminate seizures altogether in 11-14 percent of patients and to reduce the frequency and / or severity of seizures in about 85 percent of patients using the medical cannabis treatment . Medical cannabis did not just help with the seizures , though . Like patients with multiple sclerosis , children with epilepsy or related ailments who received medical cannabis as a seizure medication found several other beneficial side effects . Patients reported better sleep , mood , and appetite when taking CBD . Medical cannabis seems to be most helpful for young sufferers of epilepsy , but studies show some benefit for adults . However , CBD medication for adult epileptics does not seem to be as helpful as it is for children . It has been found that adult male epileptics who use CBD medications within 90 days of hospitalization have a significantly lower risk for a new seizure than men who did not use cannabis .
64 Maximum Yield