Subcutaneous Magazine Revenge 2017 | Page 66

every girlfriend he ’ d ever had . How was this any different ? It was over quickly , a world of lust sputtered out in a few minutes of grunting and a sad , tiny spurt .
Then he was looking for a way out of his own room , trapped in his own home , in his own head , with this guilt . Oh Jesus , what have I done this time ?
The next day he waited for the other foot to fall . All day he watched the phone . He prepared excuses and apologies , tried to figure out what approach he would take to the confrontation . The confrontation didn ’ t come .
Sean ’ s phone buzzed , jerking his attention away from the screen of his laptop . He picked it up and was shocked to see a text from Edward . “ Ready ?” was all it said .
He dropped the phone as a stab of pain pierced his arm . His fingers clenched convulsively . It felt like a needle was being slipped into the flesh , tearing through skin and muscle . He looked at has arm , expecting to see a wasp or spider or at least a splinter . There was nothing but bare skin , mottled by a few embarrassing scars .
He picked the phone up , shaken by the lingering pain . A suspicion crept under the fleshy curtain of his consciousness . He dismissed it as a childish daydream . Another pain cut through him . This one was personal , a vertical slice running the length of his penis . He dropped to his knees with a whimpering moan . He could feel the sides of his bifurcated cock sliding away from each other , but when he frantically opened his pants everything looked normal . We ’ re brothers now . Sean fastened his pants and stepped outside . The January air bit through his coat . It was dark , almost midnight . As he cut through
Wishing Well , towards Ed ’ s house , he remembered the countless nights the two had spent there . He was passing the Gazebo when he felt a needle press slowly into his left eye . He howled in agony , startling several late night patrons of the park , but the pain did not diminish . He staggered forward , unable to open the eye . He brushed at it , feeling nothing there , but the pain intensified . My blood flows in yours . The needle wobbled back and forth , tearing open the sac of his eyeball , spilling mucus over his cheek . Still , when he felt with his fingers , there was no damage , not even tears . His vision was clear . He exited the park as a blade raked across his chest . It slipped through the skin , making fast , shallow cuts .
Edward ’ s house was just on the other side of the park . The lights were out when Sean arrived , but a flickering glow came from within , a candle in the kitchen . He hammered on the door and was answered by a savage pain in his fingers . The bones in each finger splintered , shattered under unbearable strain . He stared at his hand , twitching but unharmed .
He tried the door , but it was locked . He moved around to the window but his investigation was cut short by further agony . Another needle to his eye . He broke the window with his elbow and slid inside . The glass cutting into his fingers scarcely registered under the other raging pains that ravaged his nerves . He collapsed on the hardwood floor of Ed ’ s living room .
“ Ed ?” Sean yelled . “ Ed , what are- ” his voice was cut short , reduced to a stuttering rasp by a needle pushed into his Adam ’ s apple . He forced breath through his throat and it came through clear . He rose quickly , stumbled into the kitchen where Ed was sitting on a wooden chair . A candle flickered on the counter .