Subaru Outback Manuals 2022 Outback EyeSight Driving Assist System Manual | Page 96

Pre-Collision Throttle Management
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• Do not intentionally depress the accelerator pedal excessively when there are obstacles nearby . If the driver relies only on Pre-Collision Throttle Management to control acceleration , collisions may occur .
• If your vehicle is trapped on a railroad crossing and you are trying to escape by driving through the crossing gate , the stereo camera may recognize the crossing gate as an obstacle and Pre-Collision Throttle Management system may activate . In this case , remain calm and either continue to depress the accelerator pedal or turn off the Pre-Collision Throttle Management system .
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• Pre-Collision Throttle Management may not activate depending on the following conditions : - The distance between your vehicle and the obstacle , speed difference , and horizontal offset - Recognition status of the stereo camera
In particular , the function may not activate in the following cases :
• Bad weather ( for example heavy rain , a blizzard or thick fog )
• Visibility is poor due to sand or smoke in the air .
• Light is poor in the evening , early morning , or at night .
• In a dark area ( indoor parking area , etc .)
• There is an obstacle outside the area illuminated by the headlights .
• Strong light is coming from the front ( for example sunlight at sunrise or sunset headlight beams , etc .).
• The windshield has become fogged , scratched or smeared , or snow , dirt , dust or frost has adhered to it , or it is otherwise affected . These will reduce the stereo camera ’ s field of view . Also , light is reflecting off the dirt , etc .
• Fluid has not been fully wiped off the windshield during or after use of the window washer .
• Obstacles cannot be correctly recognized due to water droplets from rain or the washer , or the wiper blades obstructing the stereo camera ’ s field of view .
• The stereo camera ’ s field of view is obstructed ( for example by a canoe on the roof of the vehicle ).
• With low obstacles ( low wall , crash barrier , low vehicle , etc .)
• The size and height of an obstacle is smaller than the limitations of the stereo camera ’ s recognition capability . - With small animals or children - With pedestrians who are sitting or lying down