Subaru Outback Manuals 2022 Outback EyeSight Driving Assist System Manual | Page 76

Advanced Adaptive Cruise Control
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- The shape of lane markings suddenly changes ( entrance / exit of a curve , crank and winding road , etc .).
- Going into lanes that lead to interchanges , junctions , service areas or parking areas - There is a curb or a side wall on the road shoulder .
- The brightness changes such as when you drive under an overpass .
Main road Exit lane
• Under the conditions below , the stereo cameras may have difficulty in detecting the vehicle in front , and Lane Centering Function may not operate as expected . In addition , depending on the behavior of the vehicle in front and the surrounding traffic conditions , there is the risk of an unexpected accident ( for example , a collision with a vehicle in the neighboring lane or a guardrail ). - The vehicle in front changes lanes , turns left or right , or takes similar action .
- The vehicle in front is drifting .