Subaru Impreza Manuals 2025 Impreza Multimedia System Manual | Page 11

SAFETY INSTRUCTION ( 11.6-inch display system / dual 7.0-inch display system only )
� For safety , the driver is driving . Insufficien an accident .
SAFETY INSTRUC Navi system only
To use this system in the safest possible manner , follow all the safety tips shown below .
Do not use any feature of this system to the extent it becomes a distraction and prevents safe driving . The first priority while driving should always be the safe operation of the vehicle . While driving , be sure to observe all traffic regulations .
Prior to the actual use of this system , learn how to use it and become thoroughly familiar with it . Read the entire manual to make sure you understand the system . Do not allow other people to use this system until they have read and understood the instructions in this manual .
For your safety , some functions may become inoperable when driving . Unavailable screen buttons are dimmed .
To use this system in safety tips shown belo
This system is intend and , if used properly , c for the safe operation passengers .