Subaru Impreza Manuals 2015 Impreza Owner's Manual | Page 116

2-16 Keys and doors/Keyless access with push–button start system ! Opening rear gate (5-door) 1) Rear gate opener button Carry the access key, and press the rear gate opener button. Only the rear gate will be unlocked and opened. Also, an electronic chirp will sound twice and the hazard warning flashers will flash twice. ! Locking with the door lock sensor ! Opening trunk (4-door) 1) Trunk opener button Carry the access key, and press the trunk opener button. The trunk will open. An electronic chirp will sound twice and the hazard warning flashers will flash twice. 1) Door lock sensor Carry the access key, close all doors (for 5-door, including the rear gate) and touch the door lock sensor on the door handle. All doors including the rear gate will be locked. Also, an electronic chirp will sound once and the hazard warning flashers will flash once. NOTE After touching the door lock sensor to lock all of the doors (including the rear gate), if you touch the door lock sensor once more to attempt the lock operation without first unlocking the doors, nothing will happen, even if the door lock sensor is touched. In this case,