Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 72

OTHER SETTINGS 4. Select (Disconnect). (Connect) or Ɣ 5. ADDING A Wi-Fi ® NETWORK Available networks which are not displayed by searching can be added. (Forget This Network): Select 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 'LVSOD\WKHJHQHUDOVHWWLQJVVFUHHQ ĺ3 Select (Wi-Fi Settings). Select (Add New Network). Enter the network name, and then select (Join). Select the security type. to delete the item. &KHFN WKDW D FRQ¿UPDWLRQ PHVVDJH DSSHDUV ZKHQ WKH connection is complete. Ɣ If an error message appears, follow the guidance on the screen to try again. 6. 7. 70 Enter the password, and then select (Join). &KHFN WKDW D FRQ¿UPDWLRQ PHVVDJH DSSHDUV ZKHQ WKH connection is complete.