Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 63

Bluetooth ® SETTINGS SETTING PHONEBOOK DOWNLOAD When this function is activated, the phonebook data of the connected phone will be downloaded automatically. 1. 2. Select the Bluetooth phone to be set. Select to turn “Phonebook Download” on/off. 61 3 3. 'LVSOD\WKHSKRQHVHWWLQJVVFUHHQ ĺ3 NOTE O 7KHSUR¿OHYHUVLRQRIWKHFRQQHFWHG%OXHWRRWKSKRQHPD\QRWEH compatible with transferring phonebook data. For details, contact your SUBARU dealer. O 7KH QRWL¿FDWLRQ VHWWLQJ RQ WKH %OXHWRRWK SKRQH PD\ QHHG WR be activated in order to download the phonebook. For details, check the instructions for the connected Bluetooth phone. When the system’s clock settings are set to auto, the auto-adjustment IXQFWLRQ ĺ3  DQG PHVVDJH IXQFWLRQ ĺ3  ZLOO QRW function properly if the phonebook is not downloaded. O The Bluetooth phone’s favorite list will not be downloaded automatically even after the phonebook data has been downloaded from the Bluetooth phone. This system does not currently support transfer of data from the Bluetooth phone favorites list. To add the Bluetooth phone’s favorites list to the system’s favorites list, you need to register it through the system SKRQHERRNFRQWDFWVOLVW ĺ3