Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 47

REAR VIEW CAMERA CAUTION O If your vehicle is washed with a high-pressure washer, do not allow water to contact the camera directly. Water entering the camera may cause condensation on the inside of the camera lens, damage and malfunction of the camera. O If mud or snow sticks to the camera, or it freezes up, you must be very careful when removing it. Pour water or lukewarm water over the camera to remove mud and ice, and wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. O Do not try to melt snow or ice off of the camera using heat. Otherwise, damage to the camera may occur. O When replacing the fuse, be sure to use a fuse with the VSHFL¿HGUDWLQJ8VLQJDIXVHZLWKDGLIIHUHQWUDWLQJPD\UHVXOW in a malfunction. O If the rear view camera is used for a long time while the engine is not operated, the battery may become completely discharged. 45 2 O Since the camera is a precision device, do not subject it to VWURQJ LPSDFWV 2WKHUZLVH PDOIXQFWLRQ ¿UH RU HOHFWULF VKRFN may occur. NOTE O Do not wipe the camera with alcohol, benzine or paint thinner. Otherwise, discoloration may occur. To remove contamination, wipe the camera with a cloth moistened with a diluted neutral detergent and then wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. O When waxing the vehicle, be careful not to apply the wax to the camera. If it comes in contact with the camera, moisten a clean cloth with a diluted neutral detergent to remove the wax. O The camera lens has a hard coating to help prevent scratches. However, when washing the vehicle or cleaning the camera lens, be careful not to scratch the camera lens. Do not use a washing brush directly on the camera lens. The image quality of the rear view camera may deteriorate. O Strong light shined on the camera lens may develop vertical lines around the light source. This is not a malfunction. O 8QGHUÀXRUHVFHQWOLJKWWKHGLVSOD\PD\ÀLFNHU+RZHYHUWKLVLV not a malfunction. O The image of the rear view camera may be slightly different from the actual color of the objects.