Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 45

BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION 4. Select the desired shortcut function. MOVING AND DELETING SHORTCUT ICONS Users can rearrange the home screen buttons when the KRPHVFUHHQVKRUWFXWIXQFWLRQLVWXUQHGRQ ĺ3 XWhen moving shortcut icons 2. 5. Ɣ Depending on the function, select other items and enter necessary information. Check that the shortcut icon is displayed on the home screen. NOTE Drag the button to the desired position. Ɣ User can move buttons to another page by dragging them to the corresponding end of the screen if the number of buttons allows for multiple pages. XWhen deleting shortcut icons 2. 2 Select and hold the shortcut icon. Drag the button to the bottom of the screen. O The home screen has 3 pages, and shortcut icons can be added to each page. The page can be changed by swiping. 43 1.