Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 40

BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION TOUCH SCREEN OPERATION This system is operated mainly by the buttons on the screen. (Referred to as screen buttons in this manual.) Ɣ When a screen button is touched, a beep sounds. 7KHEHHSVRXQGFDQEHWXUQHGRQRII ĺ3 CAUTION O To prevent damaging the screen, lightly touch the screen EXWWRQVZLWK\RXU¿QJHU O 'RQRWXVHREMHFWVRWKHUWKDQ\RXU¿QJHUWRWRXFKWKHVFUHHQ O :LSHRII¿QJHUSULQWVXVLQJDJODVVFOHDQLQJFORWK'RQRWXVH chemical cleaners to clean the screen, as they may damage the touch screen. NOTE O If the system does not respond to touching a screen button, PRYH\RXU¿QJHUDZD\IURPWKHVFUHHQDQGWKHQWRXFKLWDJDLQ O Dimmed screen buttons cannot be operated. O The displayed image may become darker and moving images may be slightly distorted when the screen is cold. O In extremely cold conditions, the map may not be displayed and the data input by a user may be deleted. Also, the screen buttons may be harder than usual to depress. 38 NOTE O When is displayed on the screen, select pop-up screen. to close a