Subaru Forester Manuals 2020 Forester Multimedia System Manual | Page 33

BASIC FUNCTION 2SHUDWLRQ)ORZ&UHDWHDGULYHUSUR¿OH 1 $GGDQHZSUR¿OH CREATE A DRIVER PROFILE &UHDWHDGULYHUSUR¿OHDQG register your cellular phone, address, etc. You can store and call registered information at any time. Registering a Bluetooth phone Pair the system and Bluetooth phone. P.22 Enter a name. 5HJLVWHU\RXUKRPHRI¿FH  *: 8-inch with Navi system only Search for and register your KRPHRI¿FHDGGUHVV Register wallpaper. Procedure complete. 31