Starting and operating / Remote engine start system ( dealer option ) 7-17
! Starting the engine
All vehicle doors ( including rear gate ) and the engine hood must be closed prior to activating the remote engine start system . Any open entry point will prevent starting or cause the engine to stop .
The remote engine start system is activated by pressing the fob button on your remote engine starter transceiver ( fob ) twice within 3 seconds . If the fob is within operating range of the system and the start request is received , the following phenomena will occur .
. The fob flashes and beeps once . . The horn sounds once .
. The side marker lights , tail lights , and parking lights flash once .
If the fob is not within range ( the user is too far away from the vehicle ), the fob will indicate two long flashes without beeping .
The system will check certain safety preconditions before starting , and if all conditions are met , the engine will start within 5 seconds . After the engine starts , the following phenomena will occur .
. The fob flashes and beeps twice . . The horn sounds once .
. The side marker lights , tail lights , and parking lights flash once .
While the engine is idling via the remote engine start system , the following phenomena will occur .
. The side marker lights , tail lights , and parking lights remain illuminated .
. The fob button flashes once every 3 seconds .
. The power windows are disabled .
If the engine turns over but does not start ( or starts and stalls ) the remote engine start system will power off and then attempt to start the engine 3 additional times . The system will not attempt to restart the engine if it determines a vehicle malfunction is preventing starting . If the engine does not start after 3 additional attempts , the remote engine start request will be aborted .
! Stopping the engine
Press and hold the fob button for at least 2 seconds to stop the engine . The fob will flash and beep three times , indicating the engine has stopped . If the stop request is not received ( for example , if the user is too far away from the vehicle ), the fob will continue to flash once every 3 seconds . The system will automatically stop the engine after 15 minutes .
! Remote start safety features
For safety and security reasons , the remote engine start system will prevent starting ( or stop the engine if running ) and sound the horn twice if any of the following conditions is detected . In addition , the fob will flash and beep 3 times .
. The total run-time has exceeded 20 minutes .
. The brake pedal is depressed . . A key is in the ignition switch . . The engine hood is open .
. The engine idle speed exceeds 3,500 rpm .
. The security alarm is triggered .
. The select lever is not in the “ P ” position ( CVT models ).
If the system detects any door ( including the rear gate ) open during operation , it will prevent starting or stop the engine , and sound the horn and flash side marker lights , tail lights , and parking lights 6 times .
In addition to the items above , if the vehicle ’ s engine management system determines there is a safety risk due to a vehicle-related problem , the vehicle will power down and the horn will sound 3 times .