Subaru Crosstrek Manuals 2018 Crosstrek Owner's Manual | Page 13

7 Never drive if you are under the influence of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your own health and well-being, we urge you not to take illegal drugs in the first place and to seek treatment if you are addicted to those drugs. & Driving when tired or sleepy WARNING When you are tired or sleepy, your reaction time will be delayed and your perception, judgment and at- tentiveness will be impaired. If you drive when tired or sleepy, your, your passengers’ and other per- sons’ chances of being involved in a serious accident may increase. Please do not continue to drive but instead find a safe place to rest if you are tired or sleepy. On long trips, you should make periodic rest stops to refresh yourself before continuing on your journey. When possible, you should share the driving with others. & Modification of your vehicle & Driving vehicles equipped with navigation system CAUTION Your vehicle should not be modified other than with genuine SUBARU parts and accessories. Other types of modifications could affect its performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. In addition, damage or performance problems resulting from modification may not be cov- ered under warranties. & Use of cell phones/texting and driving CAUTION Do not talk on a cell phone or text while driving; it may distract your attention from driving and lead to an accident. If you use a cell phone to talk or text, first pull off the road and park in a safe place. In some States/ Provinces, it may be lawful to talk on a phone while driving, but only if the phone is hands-free. WARNING Do not allow the monitor to distract your attention from driving. Also, do not operate the controls of the navigation system while driving. The loss of attention to driving could lead to an accident. If you wish to operate the controls of the naviga- tion system, first take the vehicle off the road and stop it in a safe location. & Driving with pets Unrestrained pets can interfere with your driving and distract your attention from driving. In a collision or sudden stop, unrestrained pets or cages can be thrown around inside the vehicle and hurt you or your passengers. Besides, the pets can be hurt under these situations. It is also for their own safety that pets should be properly restrained in your vehicle. Re- strain a pet with a special traveling harness which can be secured to the rear seat with a seatbelt or use a pet carrier which can be secured to the rear seat by routing a seatbelt through the carrier’s handle. – CONTINUED –