Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 98

BEFORE USING APPLICATIONS NOTE NOTE O Limitations: • Access to app-based connected content will depend on the availability of wireless cellular and/or Wi-Fi network coverage for the purpose of allowing your smartphone to connect to the internet. • Service availability may be geographically limited by region. Consult the wireless connected content service provider for additional information. • Ability of this product to access connected content is subject to change without notice and could be affected by any of the IROORZLQJ FRPSDWLELOLW\ LVVXHV ZLWK IXWXUH ¿UPZDUH YHUVLRQV of the smartphone; compatibility issues with future versions of the connected content application(s) for the smartphone; changes to or discontinuation of the connected content application(s) or service by its provider. O Since some applications use signals from GPS satellites and wireless communication lines, they may not work properly in the following locations. • In tunnels • In underground parking lots • Outside wireless communication range, such as some countryside areas • Where the wireless communication network is congested, or where communications are restricted O Depending on the circumstances and environment, the signal may be weak or not be received. In such cases, an error may occur. O Communication and phone call charges for smartphones should be paid by the wireless subscriber. O If you lose the data in a smartphone or other device while using it with the system, no compensation will be given for the lost data. O SUBARU CORPORATION does not guarantee content provided by the application. O The application may not work due to factors on smartphones, smartphone applications or stations. SUBARU CORPORATION accepts no responsibility for this. 96