Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 89

PHONE OPERATION (HANDS-FREE SYSTEM FOR CELLULAR PHONES) Bluetooth PHONE MESSAGE FUNCTION 1. Press . Received messages can be forwarded from the connected Bluetooth phone, enabling checking and replying using the system. Depending on the type of Bluetooth phone connected, received messages may not be transferred to the message inbox. Depending on the Bluetooth phone type, the screen display may differ, and it may not be possible to use certain functions. 2. 3. 4 Select Phone (Phone). Select If the phone does not support the message function, this function cannot be used. (Messages). To use this function, it is necessary to set the phonebook GRZQORDGIXQFWLRQWRRQ ĺ3 NOTE O Depending on the model of your Bluetooth phone, the setting of the connected phone may need to be changed. (ex: For iOS or RWKHUPRGHOVWKHQRWL¿FDWLRQVHWWLQJPD\QHHGWREHDFWLYDWHG  For details, check the instructions for the connected Bluetooth phone. 87