Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 79

PHONE OPERATION (HANDS-FREE SYSTEM FOR CELLULAR PHONES) SOME BASICS The hands-free system enables calls to be made and received without having to take your hands off the steering wheel. This system supports Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a wireless data system that enables cellular phones to be used without being connected by a cable or placed in a cradle. The operating procedure of the phone is explained here. O 7KLV V\VWHP LV ¿WWHG ZLWK %OXHWRRWK DQWHQQDV 3HRSOH ZLWK implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization WKHUDS\SDFHPDNHUV RU LPSODQWDEOH FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV should maintain a reasonable distance between themselves and the Bluetooth antennas. The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. O Before using Bluetooth phones, users of any electrical medical device other than implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemakers or implantable FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV VKRXOG FRQVXOW WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU of the device for information about its operation under the LQÀXHQFHRIUDGLRZDYHV5DGLRZDYHVFRXOGKDYHXQH[SHFWHG effects on the operation of such medical devices. NOTE O If your cellular phone does not support Bluetooth, this system cannot function. Certain functions may not be available depending on the type of cellular phone. O In the following conditions, the system may not function: • The cellular phone is turned off. • The current position is outside the communication area. • The cellular phone is not connected. • The cellular phone has a low battery. O When using the hands-free function and other Bluetooth functions at the same time, the following problems may occur: • The Bluetooth connection may be cut. • Noise may be heard when playing back voice with the Bluetooth function. O The other party’s voice will be heard from the front speakers. The audio system will be muted during phone calls or when hands-free voice commands are used. O Talk alternately with the other party on the phone. If both parties speak at the same time, the other party may not hear what has been said. (This is not a malfunction.) O Keep call volume down. Otherwise, the other party’s voice may be audible outside the vehicle and voice echo may increase. When talking on the phone, speak clearly towards the microphone. 77 4 WARNING O While driving, do not use a cellular phone or connect the Bluetooth phone. CAUTION O Do not leave your cellular phone in the vehicle. The temperature inside may rise to a level that could damage the phone.