Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 76

OTHER SETTINGS No. Function 6HOHFWWRVHWVRXQGVHWWLQJV ĺ3 Select to set audio volume. Select to adjust the mic sensitivity. This adjusts the speaker’s voice during hands-free communication. Select to set the navigation prompt volume. Select to set to adjust the default volume of the other party’s voice. Select to adjust the ringtone volume. Select to set the voice recognition prompts volume. 6HOHFWWRWXUQWKHDOHUWVRXQGZKHQWUDI¿FZHDWKHURU SXM game information is updated on/off. Select to turn the sound beeps on/off. * Select to set the speed volume. The system adjusts to the optimum volume and tone quality according to vehicle speed to compensate for increased vehicle noise.  7KLVVHWWLQJFDQEHPDGHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHFRQQHFWHGDPSOL¿HUW\SH 74