Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 73

OTHER SETTINGS 3. INSTALL UPDATE Ɣ The update may be performed in 2 steps. In this case, the system will restart 2 times. Wait for the home screen to be displayed. WARNING O The engine does not need to be running to update the system. If you leave the engine running while downloading or installing DQXSGDWHGRQRWSDUNWKHYHKLFOHLQDFRQ¿QHGVSDFHVXFK as a garage. Doing so could cause serious injury or death. O The following system functions are restricted during the update installation. • The rear view camera may be fully or partially disabled during the update. The help line (distance marker, dynamic guidelines and vehicle width line) will not be displayed. 1. Select 2. Wait until the update installation has completed. (Install Now). Ɣ The update will begin installing. Ɣ Approximate time to complete installation: 10 minutes Press . Ɣ If the home screen is displayed, the update has completed normally. O Park your vehicle in a safe place and do not operate it while the update is installing. • It will not be possible to use general system functions. Ɣ Depending on the system, an update may be performed in 3 steps. In this case, the system will restart 3 times. This does not indicate a malfunction. 5. Ɣ To check the software version, select System Information (System Information) on the JHQHUDOVHWWLQJVVFUHHQ ĺ3 Operation is complete. CAUTION O If the “Software update install failed” screen is displayed, contact your SUBARU dealer immediately. If this screen is displayed, none of the system functions, other than the rear camera, will operate. When using the rear camera, only the camera image will be displayed. The help line (distance marker, dynamic guidelines and vehicle width line) will not be displayed. 71 3 4. CAUTION After installation has completed, check that the system restarts automatically.