Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 51

Bluetooth ® SETTINGS PROFILES This system supports the following services. Bluetooth Device Bluetooth Phone/Device Bluetooth Phone %OXHWRRWK6SHFL¿FDWLRQ 3UR¿OH Function Registering a Bluetooth phone/device Function Requirements Recommendations Ver. 1.1 Ver. 3.0 +EDR Requirements Recommendations +)3 +DQGV)UHH3UR¿OH Hands-free system Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.6 PBAP (Phone Book $FFHVV3UR¿OH Transferring the contacts Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.1.1 MAP (Message Access 3UR¿OH Bluetooth phone message - Ver. 1.0 PAN (Personal Area 1HWZRUNLQJ3UR¿OH APPS function - PAN 1.0 DUN (Dial-Up Network 3UR¿OH APPS function - DUN 1.1 633 6HULDO3RUW3UR¿OH APPS function - Ver. 1.1 3 Bluetooth Device Spec. 49