Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 36

BASIC INFORMATION BEFORE OPERATION ENTERING LETTERS AND NUMBERS/LIST SCREEN OPERATION No. Information/Function ,QSXW¿HOG • 7KHLQSXW¿HOGFRQWDLQVWH[WWRDVVLVWWKHXVHULQ completing tasks. • The position of the cursor can be moved by selecting WKHGHVLUHGORFDWLRQLQWKHLQSXW¿HOG ENTERING LETTERS AND NUMBERS 6HOHFWWRFOHDUWKHLQSXW¿HOG When searching by an address, name, etc., or entering data, letters and numbers can be entered via the screen. Displays candidate items based on the input letters. The desired item can be selected. Select to erase one character. Select to enter the item. Select to change keyboard types. Select to enter symbols. Select to enter characters in lower case or in upper case. NOTE O The appearance of the keyboard may change or the input method may be limited depending on the circumstances where the software keyboard is displayed. 34