Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 200

VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM OPERATION NOTE O :DLWIRUWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQEHHSEHIRUHVSHDNLQJDFRPPDQG O Voice commands may not be recognized if: • Spoken too quickly. • Spoken at a low or high volume. • Driving with a window open. • Passengers are talking while voice commands are spoken. • The air conditioning speed is set high. • When air from the ventilator blows directly toward the microphone. O In the following conditions, the system may not recognize the command properly and using voice commands may not be possible: • The command is incorrect or unclear. Note that certain words, DFFHQWV RU VSHHFK SDWWHUQV PD\ EH GLI¿FXOW IRU WKH V\VWHP WR recognize. • There is excessive background noise, such as wind noise. VOICE RECOGNITION SYSTEM OPERATION 1. 2. Press the talk switch. Ɣ After the voice recognition top screen has been displayed, speech guidance will commence. Say the command. Ɣ When selecting Help (Help) or saying “Help”, all commands supported by the system are listed. Ɣ To cancel voice recognition, select and hold the talk switch. , or press NOTE O Turn the “ ” knob, or use the volume control switch on the steering wheel to adjust the speech guidance volume. O The system’s voice recognition function cannot be used while using Siri, Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. Start the voice recognition function after exiting Siri, Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. 198