Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 186

TIPS FOR THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM • Your destination point might be shown on the opposite side of the street. • When a portion of the route has regulations prohibiting the entry of the vehicle that vary by time or season or other reasons. • The road and map data stored in the navigation system may not be complete or may not be the latest version. NOTE O This navigation system uses tire turning data and is designed to ZRUN ZLWK IDFWRU\VSHFL¿HG WLUHV IRU WKH YHKLFOH ,QVWDOOLQJ WLUHV that are larger or smaller than the originally equipped diameter may cause inaccurate display of the current position. The tire pressure also affects the diameter of the tires, so make sure that the tire pressure of all 4 tires is correct. MAP DATA REGARDING ROADS AND PLACE NAME DATA When maps are created, land surveys are conducted and information on road improvements and reopening is collected to provide the most accurate information SRVVLEOH+RZHYHUPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRURDGVSODFHQDPHVDQG facilities may be carried out at any time. Consequently, we cannot guarantee that map data contains no errors in road SRVLWLRQVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQDQGQDPHVRULQIDFLOLW\QDPHV SUBARU MAP UPDATE Map data can be updated using the following methods: Ɣ USB memory: All map data can be updated at once. ĺ3 Ɣ Wi-Fi: The map data for up to 8 regions can be VHOHFWHGDQGXSGDWHG ĺ3 Ɣ Smartphone: The map data for up to 8 regions can be selected and updated. This method is for when the map update data is to be downloaded to a smartphone from outside of the vehicle, such as at KRPHDQGWKHQWUDQVIHUUHGWRWKHV\VWHP ĺ3 184