Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 178

ROUTE GUIDANCE TYPICAL VOICE GUIDANCE PROMPTS As the vehicle approaches an intersection, or point, where maneuvering the vehicle is necessary, the system’s voice guidance will provide various messages. WARNING ROUTE RELATED FUNCTIONS CHECKING THE ROUTE 1. 2. 3. 6HOHFWWKHQH[WVWUHHWQDPH ĺ3 Select (Turn List). Select the item for which the route is to be checked. O %H VXUH WR REH\ WKH WUDI¿F UHJXODWLRQV DQG NHHS WKH URDG condition in mind especially when you are driving on IPD roads. The route guidance may not have the updated information such as the direction of a one way street. NOTE O Turn the “ ” knob, or use the volume control switch on the steering wheel to adjust the voice guidance volume. O The voice guidance volume can also be adjust from the sound VHWWLQJVVFUHHQ ĺ3 O Voice guidance may be made early or late. O If the system cannot determine the current position correctly, \RXPD\QRWKHDUYRLFHJXLGDQFHRUPD\QRWVHHWKHPDJQL¿HG intersection on the screen. 176 Ɣ Select the displayed when the map is moved to display a screen showing all routes. Ɣ : Select to close the list and display the screen showing all routes.