Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 173

DESTINATION SEARCH ROUTE CALCULATION No. Information/Function Select one of the three recommended routes. 7KHURXWHW\SH ĺ3 VHWLQ5RXWH6HWWLQJVLV displayed in blue. ROUTE CALCULATION SCREEN After searching for the destination, the route calculation screen will be displayed. Select to set the avoidance criteria for the current URXWH ĺ3 Select to register the point in the favorite destinations OLVW ĺ3 WARNING O %H VXUH WR REH\ WUDI¿F UHJXODWLRQV DQG NHHS URDG FRQGLWLRQV LQ PLQG ZKLOH GULYLQJ ,I D WUDI¿F VLJQ RQ WKH URDG KDV EHHQ changed, the route guidance may not indicate such changed information. NOTE No. Information/Function Displays the route overview. Select to start route guidance. O The route for returning may not be the same as that for going. O The route guidance to the destination may not be the shortest URXWHRUDURXWHZLWKRXWWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQ O Route guidance may not be available if there is no road data for WKHVSHFL¿HGORFDWLRQ 171 Displays the arrival time. If SiriusXM Travel Link is available, the weather icon name, name of the weather station closest to the destination, and the High/Low temperature for that location will be displayed. )RUGHWDLOVRQ6LULXV;07UDYHO/LQNĺ3 7