Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 148

MEDIA OPERATION WARNING O Do not operate the player’s controls or connect to the Bluetooth audio system while driving. O 7KLV V\VWHP LV ¿WWHG ZLWK %OXHWRRWK DQWHQQDV 3HRSOH ZLWK implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization WKHUDS\SDFHPDNHUV RU LPSODQWDEOH FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV should maintain a reasonable distance between themselves and the Bluetooth antennas. The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. O Before using Bluetooth devices, users of any electrical medical device other than implantable cardiac pacemakers, cardiac resynchronization therapy-pacemakers or implantable FDUGLRYHUWHU GH¿EULOODWRUV VKRXOG FRQVXOW WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU of the device for information about its operation under the LQÀXHQFHRIUDGLRZDYHV5DGLRZDYHVFRXOGKDYHXQH[SHFWHG effects on the operation of such medical devices. CAUTION O Do not leave your portable player in the vehicle. In particular, high temperatures inside the vehicle may damage the portable player. 146 NOTE O Depending on the Bluetooth device that is connected to the system, the music may start playing when selecting while it is paused. Conversely, the music may pause when selecting while it is playing. O In the following conditions, the system may not function: • The Bluetooth device is turned off. • The Bluetooth device is not connected. • The Bluetooth device has a low battery. O It may take time to connect the phone when Bluetooth audio is being played. O For operating the portable player, see the instruction manual that comes with it. O If the Bluetooth device is disconnected due to poor reception from the Bluetooth network when the ignition switch is turned to the “ACC” or “ON” position, the system will automatically reconnect to the portable player. O If the Bluetooth device is disconnected on purpose, such as it was turned off, this does not happen. Reconnect the portable player manually. O Bluetooth device information is registered when the Bluetooth device is connected to the Bluetooth audio system. When selling or disposing of the vehicle, remove the Bluetooth audio LQIRUPDWLRQIURPWKHV\VWHP ĺ3 O 'HSHQGLQJ RQ WKH %OXHWRRWK GHYLFH RU PXVLF ¿OH EHLQJ SOD\HG the cover art may not be displayed. O If the Bluetooth device does not play automatically when connected, device operation may be necessary.