Subaru BRZ Manuals 2020 BRZ Multimedia System Manual | Page 143

MEDIA OPERATION WARNING O Do not operate the player’s controls or connect the USB memory device while driving. CAUTION O Do not leave your portable player in the vehicle. In particular, high temperatures inside the vehicle may damage the portable player. O Do not push down on or apply unnecessary pressure to the portable player while it is connected as this may damage the portable player or its terminal. NOTE :KHQDQL3RGLVFRQQHFWHG\RXFDQSOD\L3RGPXVLF¿OHV On this unit, you can perform operations such as selecting D¿OHIURPDOLVWRUFKDQJLQJWRWKHUDQGRPSOD\EDFNPRGH At devices which support Apple CarPlay, turn Apple CarPlay off in the device side Restrictions settings. OVERVIEW The iPod operation screen can be accessed with the following methods: Ɣ &RQQHFWDQL3RG ĺ3 Ɣ Select O Do not insert foreign objects into the port as this may damage the portable player or its terminal. iPod RQWKH³0HGLD´VFUHHQ ĺ3 6 O 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHGHYLFHRUPXVLF¿OHEHLQJSOD\HGWKHFRYHUDUW may not be displayed. 141