stuff by Azril | Page 3

EDITORIAL eDItorIal T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5304 ProDUCtIoN PRodUCtion ManagER EditoR Muhammad Azril B Kasim [email protected] Clare ovenell covenell@ aRt diRECtoR wes mitchell wmitchell@ PUBlIsHINg EditoRiaL diRECtoR SEnioR EditoR shumi Bose shumi.bose@ PRodUCt EditoR gian luca amadei gamadei@blueprintmagazine. ContRiBUting EditoR Herbert wright herbert.wright@ CHiEF SUB-EditoR Pamela Horne So 2012 has come and gone and it’s been a year in which London was very much in the architecture and design spotlight. Europe’s tallest building is now in the capital in the very pointy shape of Renzo Piano’s Shard. It seems to have been pretty much already absorbed into the London psyche, a natural part of the skyline. It should be even more interesting when it’s finished. Yes, the building is up but it’s not exactly a functioning part of the city yet. The hotel, due to open around now, is off schedule and the first part the public will get to access looks set to be the £25a-throw viewing platform on the 68th, 69th and 72nd floors, set to open its doors on 1 February. For £25 though you might as well pop over the river to the Heron Tower, near Liverpool Street, and take the highspeed lift up to Sushisamba restaurant (above) or the Duck & Waffle (yes, pretty naff names) where the cocktails easily match the superb views from the 40th floor. At the ‘inside out’ bar, open until a very serviceable 3am, there’s no ‘us and them’ counter, you get to stand next to your cocktail shaker. So this way, for your money you get a couple of cocktails and a view that includes The Shard (apologies to Kohn Pedersen Fox as architect of the Heron Tower). This is what’s known as joined-up thinking! So The Shard was very much in the architecture spotlight, as was much of the Olympic Park. Populous’ main stadium was a little dull from afar, more powerful close-up and superb from within – both in terms of the sweeping, uninterrupted views and earsplitting, ‘crowd-sourced’ acoustics. The Hopkins-designed Velodrome was as universally welcomed as was its nickname the Pringle, and applauded almost as much as the Brit cyclists who used it. This coming year should see the (water)wings coming off Hadid’s swimming pool, bringing out the elegance of the original design. A good year for London in this sense, but not a great year all round, so let’s hope 2013 improves the lot of the country as a whole. Have a great Christmas and excellent New Year. MUHAMMAD AZRIL : editor US CoRRESPondEnt gwen webber intERnS enya moore lena sotto mayor ContRiBUtoRS gemma Barton esme fieldhouse gareth gardner michael Holt roberta marcaccio agata Pyzik erik spiekermann yolanda Zappaterra EditoRiaL StEERing CoMMittEE tim evans, Sheppard Robson; Kieran long, journalist; Jeremy myerson, Helen Hamlyn Centre, RCa; Keith Papa, BdP; lee Penson, Penson group; Paul simovic, Kohn Pedersen Fox associates; Cherill scheer, Cherill Sheer & associates; Jason turner, Swanke Hayden Connell; Chris wilkinson, Wilkinson Eyre ProDUCt researCH PRodUCt RESEaRCHER sophia sahin T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5309 F. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5235 theresa Dowling CoMMERCiaL diRECtoR mike Callison mcallison@ aDvertIsINg SaLES diRECtoR Joe maughan T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5236 jmaughan@ SaLES ManagERS T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5311 rsloan@ BUSinESS dEVELoPMEnt ManagER Dean Cassar T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5208 dcassar@ tELESaLES ExECUtiVE sophia sahin T. ++44 (0) 20 7336 5309 Sophia.Sahin@ sUBsCrIPtIoNs SUBSCRiPtionS MaRKEting ManagER Barbara Carcangiu T. ++44 (0) 20 7936 6883 barbara.carcangiu@ progressivedigitalmedia. com teCHNICal PRinting s&g Print group nEWStRadE diStRiBUtion Comag specialist Division T. ++44 (0) 1895 433800 BooKSHoP/gaLLERy diStRiBUtion Central Books T. ++44 (0) 20 8986 4854 STUFF OCTOBER 2014 1