stuff by Azril | Page 16

STUDIO WEAVE EST LONDON, 2006 MARIA SMITH, DIRECTOR 14 STUFF OCTOBER 2014 ‘When we were choosing a name for our practice, we decided that we didn’t want it to be based on our names. We wanted anyone who might join the practice in the future to be able to feel like it was theirs as much as ours and felt that a name of our names would limit that. So we went about choosing a word. We chose weave because we like all its connotations: a complex fabric made from many individual strands, collaboration and integration, skilled craft, traditional and highly mechanised, and the idea of weaving a narrative. ‘We expect people will take different things away from the name, but we hope that they associate it with craft, narrative, a sense of openness to collaboration perhaps, and of course we hope people remember it!’