stuff by Azril | Page 13

ARtist PETE fowLER is goiNg home to cARdiff foR his New show oCEANS of fANTASY, wheRe visitoRs cAN meet his lAtest cReAtioNs, the sYNth people. he tAlks to johnny tucker, who fiNds thAt he’s evolviNg his woRk iNto somethiNg moRe peRsoNAL Pete Fowler is perhaps best known for his phantasmogorically, anthropomorphically populated semi-paradisical and somewhat utopian 2D and 3D worlds, but ‘You know what?’ he asks, ‘I’m doing less monster based work these days.’ But lest you think that this artist, also known for his long-standing creative relationship with Welsh musical maestros the Super Furry Animals, is hitting the straight and narrow, he describes his latest output as ‘Seafaring synth people’. . Immediately open and friendly upon meeting him, you get the feeling he’s a gregarious guy, but there’s clearly this side to him where he has to escape to other worlds, to those he creates within his head and shares through his work, or to his studio, where he mostly works alone. The first time I visited the studio, just under a decade ago, it was in a largely forgotten, seamy part of East London. For better or worse the area is now achingly hip, but the studio hasn’t change a bit, apart from the evolution of The work that’s on the walls and piled up with a sense of organised chaos on shelves. When we talk he’s just finishing off a large canvas, including two of the said seafaring, knob-twiddling Moog-men that will form part of a major new show opening this month at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff. Called Oceans of Fantasy, the >> STUFF OCTOBER 2014 11