Study: The Puzzle of Innovation in China | Page 3

03 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Innovation is vital for future growth in China The times when China could prosper by simply drawing on excess low-cost labor are over. Today the country is transforming into an innovation powerhouse and Multinational Corporations (MNCs) must keep pace to catch up with local competition. This report aims at providing companies with a framework for shaping their individual road maps toward innovative product, service and business models. MNCs are realizing the significance of innovation but lack operational development Innovation in China is among the top priorities of MNCs, who have started to recognize the importance of innovation for customer-specific products. Yet the majority have no well-defined innovation road maps in place. Barriers to innovation can be overcome Barriers to innovation reduce the overall speed of progress and might stem from a lack of innovation skills, intellectual property concerns and restrictive headquarters. However, barriers are not set in stone and proactive measures can help to move beyond them. Self-assessing capabilities help to identify the missing part for driving innovation Identifying and benchmarking one’s own innovation capabilities raises awareness of strengths and weaknesses regarding innovation performance. By using goetzpartners’ Innovation Benchmarking Tool, concrete areas for improvement can be derived and the remaining parts of the overall innovation strategy added. A concrete plan is required to systematically translate innovation into action A well-structured innovation road map is a prerequisite for driving innovation further and helps MNCs add the missing parts to their puzzle of innovation. This includes not only China-oriented product management, but also close cooperation with the international headquarters regarding product engineering and the overall product pipeline. By pursuing a clear innovation strategy, MNCs can evolve from import oriented companies into global innovation motors. Methodology The opinions and data presented in this report are based on goetzpartners’ work experience with multinational corporations in China. In addition, a comprehensive innovation survey was jointly undertaken with our partners from renowned Chinese institutions. In cooperation with Professor Zheng Han, Chair of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Tongji University, and the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, we interviewed more than 100 German corporations operating subsidiaries in the Chinese market, with two thirds of them being present in China for more than ten years. Although the survey focused primarily on the automotive and industrial sectors, many of the lessons can be applied to other industry segments as well. In addition, the results of the survey made a valuable contribution to the development of the goetzpartners’ Innovation Benchmarking Tool. 86% SENIOR EXECUTIVES 41% AUTOMOTIVE 50% 25% MACHINERY/ INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT TURNOVER >RMB 250M 8% INDUSTRIES 87% MNCS METAL/ PLASTIC PRODUCTS 69% 7% CHEMICALS > 10 YEARS IN CHINA