Study: The Digital Challenge | Page 3

03 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With respect to digitalization, the telecommunications companies (telcos) continue to lag considerably behind market demand. 94% of the companies surveyed have already begun developing initial digital business models or are implementing them. As it currently stands, however, not a single company has fully digitalized its business. One thing is certain – companies in the telecommunications industry will be compelled to digitalize their business models and develop new ones no later than by 2020 if they want to prevail in the market. Cooperation agreements with “over-the-top players” (OTTs) provide new opportunities for the telcos. OTTs are threatening the telcos’ conventional revenue streams – given their strength, some providers virtually feel forced to act. Who will come out on top in the market for content – telcos or OTTs – has not yet been decided. To win the race for content, telcos will have to be prepared to invest a lot of money and develop a lot of insight into a market they don’t know that well yet. With this in mind, 56% of the telcos surveyed believe that alliances with OTTs will give them a shot at the future. B2B partnerships will continuously increase in importance. As telcos can no longer generate adequate returns through voice and data transmission, new monetization models such as revenue sharing, platform fees and advertising are coming to the fore. This shifts telcos’ focus from consumer business to revenue gained from B2B business models. 93% of the study participants confirm this. Platform models are becoming particularly important for strategic success. Telcos can use growth markets for their own strategy. The companies surveyed expect the strongest growth leading up to 2022 to occur almost exclusively in the B2B markets. Telcos are clearly in pole position for all mobile solutions and for consolidating all of the “things” that are to be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the coming years. Smart cities, smart home solutions and autonomous driving are just some examples of the potential applications. Here, revenue streams are expected to come from B2B partners as well as from consumers, because the latter participate in these new value-added services, too. The IoT is expected to expand by triple-digit growth rates. Telcos have so far failed to make the most out of Big Data. Due to their customer structure and their business model, telcos have huge quantities of customer data at their disposal. Once telcos manage to fully leverage the potential of the IoT environment as enablers, they will have access to even more data points – an excellent starting point for using Big Data as the basis for new business models. So far, however, telcos have barely been exploiting this potential. Many are merely experimenting with using Big Data to optimize both sales and the customer experience. Only 2 out of 5 of the study participants are already monetizing data externally through their companies. The study participants singled out the successful linking of data from numerous sources as the key to success in the development of Big Data services. On the whole, telcos enjoy an environment well-suited to developing new business models – on the basis of partnerships as well as in the Big Data segment itself. What matters right now is that they jump on this opportunity quickly. If they succeed, telcos will play a central role in numerous growth areas. Beyond pure connectivity, however, the telecommunications industry can leverage value-added services to play an important role as an enabler for growth areas – and at the same time ensure the future viability of their own business.