Finding 7
Corporate volunteering programmes of DAX companies
Data in percent
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Skills-based volunteering ( SBV ) programme
Encouragement of employee volunteering without an SBV programme
No encouragement of employee volunteering
“ We got a real boost from the results of an employee survey : we were surprised to find that Corporate Citizenship is one of the most important drivers of employee engagement all round .” social responsibility . Employee engagement and retention , especially of highly qualified talent , is clearly a priority in many Corporate Citizenship programmes . On the other hand , only nine DAX companies have programmes or long-term partnerships to specifically utilise the professional skills of employees for social purposes and thus maximise the ( external ) social impact of volunteering .
If the company has a clear social purpose that is connected with the core business and which it champions , it is easier to inspire employees with common goals . This makes it possible to harness their professional expertise more effectively over the long term .
The aforementioned case of SAP provides a good example . For more than ten years , the company has been championing digital inclusion – its employees know and appreciate this . Activities in this area are popular among staff . As a result , 73 percent of volunteering in 2020 went into the teaching of digital skills and supporting social enterprises . 24 This facilitates the use of the professional capacity of SAP employees .
“ I have achieved the impact I intended when my employees see that my company is socially engaged .”