Finding 6
International Good Practice :
As a major financial services provider in the agri-food sector , Rabobank has integrated the support of smallholder agriculture into a social value chain . The Rabo Foundation provides grants and low-interest loans to early-stage and local farming associations . The Rabo Rural Fund provides social follow-on financing in the form of impact-oriented loans and trade finance . Rabobank serves organisations that have reached commercial maturity . All three vehicles put Rabobank ’ s expertise and networks at the disposal of these organisations . Together , the vehicles enable smallholder farmers to access markets , knowledge and finance . By helping out in this way , Rabobank not only develops its expertise and reputation in an area of social concern but also lays down a ‘ pipeline ’ of investable projects for its core business . The funds provided jointly by Rabo Foundation and Rabo Rural Fund are now close to € 80 million per year . 21