Study: Corporate Citizenship | Page 14

14 By contrast, Fresenius Medical Care is a prime exampl of a DAX 30 company that clearly focuses its Corporat Citizenship engagement on its area of expertise. As one o the world’s leading providers of products and services fo people with chronic kidney failure, Fresenius Medical Car dedicates its global Corporate Citizenship engagement t improving the quality of life of kidney patients. To do so Fresenius Medical Care cooperates globally with socia associations and institutions in the field, develops its ow initiatives and supports scientific conferences and train ing programs for dialysis specialists. Examples of Frese nius Medical Care’s engagement include the Fundació Fresenius in Colombia, a corporate foundation promotin health and well-being of kidney patients, or its support fo World Kidney Day, a global awareness campaign. Moreover, the company has aligned its disaster relie activities with its global Corporate Citizenship focus. I the event of crisis or emergency situations, Freseniu Medical Care provides dialysis machines, medical supplie and a global crisis team to institutions or situations re quiring support. UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS ADDRESSE 83% 57% 23% 2 7 Seven most commonly covered SDGs shown; multiple focus areas per company possible