In 2017, goetzpartners created a diagnostic tool, the Agile Performer Index, to help organizations define a clear starting point for their agile transformations. The tool is complemented by a sophisticated, science-based set of measures through which organizations of all sizes can achieve continuous, efficient and sustained improvements in their agility.
In the first Agile Performer Index, goetzpartners and the NEOMA Business School demonstrated the relationship between agility and performance. A survey of 285 European companies utilized the methodology of Prof. Christopher G. Worley, a renowned expert on agility and organization development. The Agile Performer Index documented that agility programs are a suitable way for organizations to achieve lasting performance and competitive advantage.
To offer insights into the movement of companies’ agility levels and identify the challenges of the transformation to agility, goetzpartners partnered with NEOMA Business School again for the second edition of the Agile Performer Index. With a new partner, the Center for Effective Organizations at USC’s Marshall School of Business in California a global sample of more than 600 global executives was surveyed from late 2018 throughout 2019 to determine the agility of their organizations.
The second Agile Performer Index is one of the first studies that examines the agility development in organizations over time. It reconfirms the relationship between agility and entrepreneurial success, and at the same time, shows that agility efforts must be considered against the background of industry uncertainty, company size, and management perception. The study highlights difficulties and pitfalls companies face when pursuing agility and offers guiding insights into ways to cope with them alongside the proven fitness programs.