Student's Times 2014-2018 2015/17/02 Páté číslo | Page 9

Some days: First day It is believed that if you don’t eat meat this day, it is going to prolong your life. May people don’t even use knives or try not to light a fire, because they are afraid of ringing bad luck to their lives by doing it. Because of this nobody cooks on this day and the meal is prepared the day before. It is the day when relatives and families visit each other. Second day On this day the married daughters are supposed to visit their birth parents. This custom is really old, and it concerns more like the past, when married women didn’t have many chances to visit their birth parents. Third day Unlike 1st and 2nd day on the 3rd day it is not good to visit any relatives. It is also called RED MOUTH. Fifth day The sign of this day is meal. Not just meal! On this day Chinese eat dumplings. It is also the birthday of god of wealth. Ninth day Chinese offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven in the Taoist Pantheon. It is also his birthday (he is one of the first gods). Interesting is that his birthday is celebrated next day, which means the Tenth day. Thirteenth day It is some kind of purification. People eat only vegetables to clean their bodies after two weeks of consuming too much food. Fifteenth day It is also known as the Lantern festival and it is the last day of celebrations of the New Year. It is a bit similar to Halloween because in front of the houses are lighted candles to guise the spirits back home. People also walk through the streets with Lanterns. (L. Šimarová, 4. G)