alongside those currently working in the UK. Stephanie said “The fantasy films I enjoy tend to be shot in the US or Canada so conventions focus on these countries. Europe has a large fan base and hosting conventions here is a great way to raise interest in the genre. There is a lot of work still to do ahead of the convention, but I can’t believe how much we have managed already. I could not have achieved this without the incredible support I have received, not least from the 46 NQ and HNC students who are volunteering to help at the convention. As the event draws closer, I will be offering opportunities to hair and beauty students to help with hair and make up for our big Saturday night dinner dance which ends the convention. Becoming a film director is my ultimate goal, I absolutely love these films and I want to share my passion for them with fellow fans. I am really looking forward to meeting the stars of the industry and getting my name known. I’ll be editing all the footage from the convention and this will give me some great experience for my future career.” “Becoming a film director is my ultimate goal, I absolutely love these films and I want to share my passion for them with fellow fans.” #whatshot whatsnot ayrshire The latest fashion trends, technology, gigs, and movies. Whatever your interests we want to hear about it in #whatshotwhatsnotayrshire. This is your opportunity to take part in an Ayrshire College online discussion. As well as what’s hot and what’s not in your life, you can let us know what’s hot and what’s not at Ayrshire College. So if you want to praise, or suggest improvements, this is your platform. Pictures, videos, or anything you can think of, are all welcome. Using our Twitter and Facebook pages with #whatshotwhatsnotayrshire, you can join the conversation. In each edition of The Student Voice, we’ll share the best conversations, so what are you waiting for, what’s hot and what’s not with you? Julie Thorne, Curriculum Leader for Creative Arts said “Stephanie’s enthusiasm and energy for everything she undertakes is incredible. In the year before she came to study with us her achievements were impressive: she had a baby, wrote a novel and created a company! Stephanie’s strong work ethic has had a positive influence on her peers and she is giving them and most of our HNC Media students a great work experience opportunity.” You can hear more about Stephanie’s story by visiting the Ayrshire College YouTube page THE STUDENT VOICE: EDITION 2 5