Student-Parent Handbook Handbook 2017-07-26 | Page 8

Although best remembered for his dedication to teaching young boys , Edmund Rice also ministered to the imprisoned , opened a homeless shelter , and instituted an adult education program . Pope Pius VII gave papal approval to the Congregation in 1820 . Edmund took the name of Brother Ignatius , and in 1822 , Brother Edmund Ignatius Rice was elected the first Superior General of the new congregation .
Brother Edmund Ignatius Rice died on August 29 , 1844 , at Mount Sion , Waterford . On April 2 , 1993 , His Holiness Pope John Paul II formally declared Br . Edmund Ignatius Rice to be Venerable . He was beatified in Rome on October 6 , 1996 .
Members of the Congregation of Christian Brothers (“ Irish Christian Brothers ”) are those spiritual sons of Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice who are devoted to the Christian education of youth . The word “ Christian ” implies that they are doing the work of Jesus Christ , who began “ to do and to teach .” As Brothers they are spiritually united , working as a team , praying , and living together in family unity .
Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools of Ireland . The Congregation , however , soon spread to other countries . The Brothers , particularly in the United States , are descendants of many nationalities . As a result , in 1966 , the Congregation officially changed its name to the Congregation of Christian Brothers in order to better reflect its international character .
The Brothers are lay religious , with vows of poverty , chastity , and obedience . Their first duty is their own personal sanctification . Each day , time is allotted for prayer , meditation , and spiritual reading .
The Brothers ’ education extends throughout a lifetime . The Brothers in educational ministries are in a position to give their full time attention to the education of their students .
Today , with headquarters in Rome , more than 1,000 Brothers staff schools in Ireland , England , Australia , New Guinea , India , Africa , Canada , and several South American countries , as well as in the United States . In 2005 , the Brothers celebrated one hundred-twenty five years of service in North America .
The Brothers of Brother Rice are members of the North American Province ( district ) which conducts schools in Canada and the United States as well as ministries in South America and the Caribbean .
School History Brother Rice is a private , fully accredited , four-year Catholic college preparatory high school . It is an independent Michigan corporation ( Christian Brothers of Michigan , Inc .) that is sponsored by the Congregation of Christian Brothers , founded in 1802 by Blessed Edmund Rice , after whom the school is named .
During the late 1950s , three laymen , Mr . John O ’ Hara , Mr . Bob Ryan , and Mr . Bob Cronin , recognized the need for Catholic high schools in the growing northern suburbs of Detroit . With the assistance of the pastors of the neighboring parishes , St . Bede ,
St . Columban , Holy Name , St . Hugo of the Hills , and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs , and with the moral and financial support of the parishioners , the Archdiocese of Detroit was approached . Edward Cardinal Mooney , Archbishop of Detroit , asked the Congregation of Christian Brothers to come to Birmingham , and Brother Rice opened its doors in the fall of 1960 .
Faculty All are committed to educate students in the ideals of Catholic education . All Brother Rice teachers are certified to teach and have a great passion for their content area .
Colors The official school colors are black and orange . In an effort to avoid duplicating the school colors of other area boys ’ schools , Br . Hueller , the first Principal , chose the present colors in 1960 .
School Seal The school seal is enclosed within a double circle which is symbolic of the eternity of God . Placed between the outer and inner circles are the names of the school and city and state in which it is located . Prominent within the circles is a Celtic cross with Celtic interlacing , symbolic of the origin of the Congregation of Christian Brothers who form part of the staff of the school . Across the top of the inner circle above the Celtic cross is the Latin inscription “ Sanctitas Per Scientiam ” meaning “ Holiness through Knowledge ”. At the bottom of the inner circle is the year the school was founded . Within the center of the seal is a book with the Greek letters “ Alpha ” and “ Omega ” – the beginning and the end – an ancient symbol for Jesus Christ .
School Logo and Nickname The school logo is the Warrior Head and nickname is the Warriors . In 1969 , the late Mr . Sheldon Brodley , a football coach and longtime friend of Brother Rice , asked Jack Flechsig , Art Director for WXYZ-TV , to design a new logo . No variation of this trademarked logo is allowed , and only this logo may be used on the back of the official Brother Rice leather-sleeved jacket .
School Song “ Hail our Warriors . Hats off to thee . To our colors , true we will ever be . Orange and black , united we stand . Working ever … Failing never … Pulling for our team together Warriors we think you ’ re grand G-R-A-N-D … Grand !”
Brother Rice High School provides an Edmund Rice education to the young men of Metro Detroit and its surrounding communities . Ninth grade applicants must complete an application , take the HSPT entrance exam , and interview with the Director of Enrollment . A committee evaluates each applicant and make the admissions determination . Students who are denied admission , may submit an appeal ( contact the Director of Admissions for more information ).
Transfer students must complete an application , provide a current transcript , list of courses , and standardized test scores in order to be considered for admission . Students who are denied