Student Organizations Procedures Manual | Page 38

Any organization found in violation of these laws , policies , and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in this manual . This manual outlines organization-level misconduct and potential sanction . Individual organization members violating these or other policies may also face individual sanctions if found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct . The Dean of Students ' office will adjudicate individual student misconduct .
Student organization recognition may be denied , sanctioned , or terminated due to the following :
1 . The inability to complete organizational registration requirements by stated deadlines . 2 . Failure to comply with college and Student Engagement policies and procedures . 3 . Request by the local , state , or national chartering organization for termination . 4 . Failure to have two ( 2 ) members of the executive board ( President and Treasurer ) and the Advisor ( s ) complete an entire Officer / Advisor training session . 5 . Failure to follow the organization ’ s maintenance requirements . 6 . Dishonesty . 7 . Collin College Administration imposes sanctions on the organization .
Process of Discovery
The Assistant Director of Student Engagement will determine if an investigation into a complaint is warranted . If an investigation is initiated , a meeting will be arranged with representatives of the student organization named in the complaint and the Assistant Director of Student Engagement . The purpose of this meeting will be to review the complaint with the student organization representatives and to allow the organization representatives an opportunity to respond . The Assistant Director of Student Engagement may also arrange meetings with potential witnesses . If representatives from the student organizations do not respond to the offer of a meeting with the Assistant Director of Student Engagement within a specific period , a determination will be made concerning any responsibility for policy violation using the information available .
Should a determination be reached that misconduct did not occur or that no disciplinary sanction is warranted under the circumstances , the matter will be considered resolved without further action .
If a determination is made based on available information and discussion with student organization members that misconduct does occur , the Assistant Director of Student Engagement will select one or more disciplinary sanctions listed in this document . The disciplinary sanctions will be selected based on the criteria of what is most appropriate for the circumstances surrounding the case . The Assistant Director of Student Engagement will justify the selection of certain sanctions in a written report .
The written report from the Assistant Director of Student Engagement will be e-mailed to the student organization ’ s president . A copy of the report will also be e-mailed to the primary advisor of the student organization . The report will include a description of the misconduct , the specified sanction , and a justification for why a specific sanction was selected .
Possible Sanctions
Sanctions given to student organizations as a result of misconduct are designed to encourage adherence to all applicable federal , state , and local laws and Collin College Core Values , policies , and procedures . Sanctions also encourage student organizations to consider why misconduct occurred and how student organization leaders can take responsibility for compliance . The range of possible sanctions the Assistant Director of Student Engagement may impose on a student organization on behalf of Collin College include , but are not limited to :
Level One Disciplinary Warning – A written warning outlining why the student organization ' s conduct was inappropriate and warns against additional sanctions if the conduct continues .
Educational Programming – The student organization will be required to attend educational events held on campus to receive information for the betterment of the student organization . Student organizations may also be required to plan or sponsor an educational program for members and the larger campus community .