Student Organizations Procedures Manual | Page 25

o A student who needs to request an exception to the student travel procedures including , but not limited to , leaving a trip early , staying late , traveling in a different manner from the group , etc ., must complete the Release of Liability via Alternative Transportation Form ( Please click here ).
Personal Vehicles
• The collegeay elect not to provide transportation for all Students and Responsible Parties to travel together if the trip destination is less than 25 miles one ( 1 ) way from the Collin Higher Education Center . In these instances , Students and Travel Advisors may drive their vehicles . Personal vehicles may not be used for an overnight stay .
• The college does not permit students to carpool . Responsible Parties and student organization leaders should not organize carpooling to and from events for liability purposes . Responsible Parties may not transport students in their personal vehicles .
College-Leased Vehicles o
Student organizations may utilize college-leased vehicles ( car , van , bus , etc .) for approved off-campus events . The following process and guidelines must be followed :
o Once Collin Administration approves the activity , the Student Organization Advisor may lease a car or van from a local rental car company that accepts the Collin College T-Card ( Enterprise preferred ). All Student Organizations must obtain liability insurance and a loss-damage waiver when renting a vehicle ( already included if you use Enterprise ). Contact the Office of Student Engagement for assistance in leasing a vehicle . o A Motor Vehicle Rental Exemption Certificate must be presented to the vendor when renting vehicles in Texas ( as the District will not pay for , or reimburse for , the 6 % Texas sales tax and mileage on rental vehicles ). Advisors should utilize their T-Cards for fuel and process these as an Expense Report in Workday after the trip . o Ensure that the number of passengers does not exceed the designed capacity of the vehicle and that all passengers are secured by safety belts if provided .
• Ex : A 12-passenger van can have no more than ( 12 ) individuals , including the driver .
• No 15-passenger vans will be allowed . o Organizations must abide by the Collin Transportation Management Policy ( see CJ ( LOCAL ) in the Collin College
Board Policy Manual ). o Only Collin students are permitted to travel in a college-sponsored vehicle . o We currently work with Enterprise Rental Cars and National Rental Car . Click here for information about utilizing Enterprise . o Approved College Vendors for Leased Vehicles
• AJL International : 469.647.9170 or 800.546.6508 Ext 9170 , https :// www . ajlinternational . com / home
• Game Time Transportation : 682.716.9982 , www . gametimetransportation . com
• Van Country Van Rental ( 12-passenger vans ) 817.277.2222 , office @ vancountry . com
• When using Agency Funds , traveling members and advisors must pay for their airfare using their T-card . We also have a business account with Southwest Airlines ( SWABIZ ) to book lower fares . Access the guide on how to use SWABIZ .
• According to TSA Guidelines , airline tickets must reflect the exact name as it appears on a government-issued ID . For example , if your driver ’ s license has your first , middle , and last name , your airline ticket must reflect precisely the same . Information also required to purchase tickets is your date of birth and gender .
Field Trips Definition Field trips are student travel associated with a class traveling as part of the classroom experience . These are day trips and do not include overnight stays . Mandatory Student Travel Training Mandatory Student Travel Training and the appropriate Student Travel Training Liability Waiver and Acknowledgment Form must be completed by each student and responsible party participating in a field trip and / or day trip that is located