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A new school By : Margeret Lin
As the leaves fall from the trees
And the air becomes dry and cool Students at home begin to pack up their bags They ’ re starting up at a new school . Gone were the summer ’ s lazy days No longer shall we play sports in the glen , Children are busy ripping up their old school roots When autumn comes , they ’ ll have to start again . A new teacher , some new books A fresh apple on her table A new pencil box full of just-bought school supplies Your name printed neatly on the label . You get lost again , like you used to do , When you were simply a kid , Your new locker is now bright and big Nothing like what your old locker did . You ’ ll have different classmates And within them , you ’ ll find some new friends , You forget all your hopes of going back to grade school Instead , you hope the new year never ends . Fun projects , games , a garden too , Skits and new books to read , A library , a game room , with computer privileges , A merit if you do a good deed . Forget what they say that you won ’ t remember your old school , The more you remember your schools , the better , Once you become a Highcrest Hawk , You ’ ll be a hawk forever .