Student Ink Spring 2013 | Page 24

Cucumber , who was at that time enjoying his midday nap , woke up suddenly and said , “ What do you need help with ?”
Sulli answered , “ My sister is dying ! Tell me the secret of long life so that I can save her !”
Cucumber lay back on his armchair and considered it . He did not want to tell Sulli the secret , but not telling him would be cruel . So , Cucumber said , “ Fine . The secret is a type of artichoke that kind of looks like a mistletoe plant . To get to it , you need to cross ... THE SEA .”
Now , to us humans maybe the sea may be easy to travel . However , for small animals like Sulli or Cucumber , the sea was a huge expanse that was impossible to travel . That may explain why Sulli then went , “ THE SEA ?”
Cucumber nodded his head .
I think that if Sulli was a smart opossum , he may have asked Cucumber how he had gotten the artichoke . But , Sulli was always a little scatterbrained . He didn ’ t ask and went home in despair . He wanted to revive his sister , but his head kept filling with images of tsunamis and whirpools that were fabled to be in the sea .
When the disappointed opossum arrived home , he was greeted vigorously . “ SURPRISE !” He looked around and