Student Ink Spring 2013 | Page 2

by Finn Wagstaff ( Grade 8 ) and Laura Murphy ( Grade 6 )
Welcome to the HMS / WJHS Literary Magazine ! This revolutionary magazine is the first of its kind at this district and was a real feat to get done . We at both Highcrest and the Junior High worked for weeks , beginning after spring break and we collaborated with peers to make an incredible work of student art and literature .
At HMS , we had a staff of 12 sixth graders , and at WHJS , we had 6 seventh grade students and 6 eighth grade students . Our goal was to collect all kinds of writing and artwork from students in grades 5-8 .
To get the word out , we visited homerooms and told them about it . Both the staffs at HMS and WJHS had before school and recess / lunch meetings , our staff designed pages in the magazine and we read all the wonderful submissions . Students submitted their submissions through a Google form , and the staff took responsibility for reading and formatting different pieces .
We had lots of fun going through each submission and putting it all together into one magazine . There ’ s great variety in genre : including poetry , short stories , essays , book reviews , artwork , photography and other interesting types of writing . We wanted to put everything in , but in order to keep the magazine a manageable length , we had to choose which ones to put
Nam lobortis felis sed est commodo posuere .
into the magazine .
Now that we ’ ve begun this magazine , we plan to have it for many years , and students are encouraged to keep sending in submissions each year ! We hope you enjoy the magazine as much as we had fun making it !
[ Date and Time ]

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