Crow let out a fake gasp .” No ..... look , she really is a poodle . Only dogs would dress like that ...” He flicked my silky skirt .
Now I was just plain mad . I stomped on his foot . “ Don ’ t call me names !” He leered . Leaned in close . “ You can ’ t make me do things ....” The last word was deliberately emphasized . “ Poodle .”
As if that were a cue , suddenly all the boys piled on . The jabbered around me , guffawing and jabbing me with filthy fingernails . They stomped on my toes . The smell of their breath sent me reeling . I started to cry . Maybe I really wasn ’ t cut out for this kind of life .
Suddenly , a voice cut in . “ What ’ s going on , boys ?” All the guys scattered . Colored Eyes grinned nervously . “ Well , Ms . Sheriff , we- ”
I was so relieved to hear a “ Ms .” that I started crying all over again . A mohawked guy next to me snarled into my ear ,” Quit it . You ’ re going to get us all into trouble .” But the sheriff had already seen . I heard the steely-sharp edge in her voice as she spun around slowly . “ Boys .... WHAT . DID . YOU . DO ?” Her eyes bored into them , grazing shoulders and making several of the gang flinch . A couple muttered something . She glared holes into them . She suddenly barked an order . “ Get out !”
A limping gang member protested . “ But , sheriff- ”
The sheriff turned to look at him . “ Hmm ... Billy , I just happen to know your mother . And I know for a fact that you should be in bed right now , resting your foot ... maybe I should tell your mother where you really are ?”
Billy shook his head quickly .” No , sheriff .” “ Good . Now what are you folks waiting for ? Get moving !” The boys disappeared . I quivered as she twirled around and looked at me . I was sure she was going to slap me or something . She just stared . And then said gruffly ...” You want some soda ?”
I studied her as we walked down to the main store . Long dark brown hair , clear green eyes in a makeup-less face . A long , confident stride . I was in awe . All the girls I ever met back at home were sissies . Not like this girl .
Without breaking her stride , she asked , “ So really why are you here ?” Well , that was not expected . I started to stammer out a reply , but she silenced me with her hand . “ No lies . Tell me .” I knew made-up stories would not work in this case . I stared out over the vast plains . “ I don ’ t want to talk about it .”
She was silent for a while too . Then she said flatly ,” I saved you from the boys back there .” She looked over me disdainfully . “ If not for me , you would still be out there getting poked to death .” Swinging open the cafe door , she stepped up to the counter and ordered 2 sodas . “ What else do I have to do ?”
I broke down . I told her the whole sob story . How Sylvia , our nurse , seemed so nice at first , then she started annoying Mommy . Our family was rich , and Mommy was the link . She was related to the royal family , so we got sent packets