The Student Handbook , a supplement to the University Catalog , is provided to assist you during your tenure as a student at Gwynedd Mercy University . The material found in the Student Handbook is only part of the information you will need . We recommend that all students ( undergraduate , graduate , commuter or resident ), become familiar with all university policies that impact life on and off campus . Make sure you review the following publications that are found on the University website :
• The University Catalog
• Departmental Handbooks
• Guide to Residence Life ( for resident students )
* It is your responsibility to become familiar with all this material , to seek further information as needed and to abide by the current policies and procedures . The University reserves the right to amend , modify , or cancel the policies , terms , and conditions , course information , and other materials as needed . Errors or omissions in this information guide are subject to the appropriate university policy or legislation , which takes precedence over language of University publications .
Have a successful and productive academic year !
Gwynedd Mercy University Alma Mater by N . L . Wermer
To you we offer our loyalty for knowledge , service and truth .
With strength and honor may we ever grow in age as now in youth .
May all we are and strive to attain be guided by our faith .
Oh Gwynedd Mercy we ’ ll hold true with memories of your grace .
May friendships nurtured and pride in you remain throughout our days .
Oh Gwynedd Mercy we ’ ll hold true with memories of your grace .