Americans with Disabilities Act
Recognizing the diversity of our student population and the challenges and needs they bring to the educational enterprise , Gwynedd Mercy University , within the bounds of its resources , provides reasonable accommodations to allow all students accepted into a program of study , equal opportunity to effectively reach their academic and personal goals . Requests for specific accommodations will be processed on an individual basis through the Director of Accessibility Services and may take up to six weeks . At the time of acceptance ( or anytime thereafter ) a request can be made in writing to the Director of Accessibility Services allowing sufficient time for administrative processing .
To be eligible for accommodations or support services , students are required to provide current ( within three years ) documentation from a qualified professional , depending on the nature of the disability . For more information on specific requirements to accommodate a disability and forms , email accessibilityservices @ gmercyu . edu .
Bias Activity Response Protocol
Gwynedd Mercy University is committed to creating a respectful and inclusive campus community . We recognize that acts of bias , including harassment and discrimination , are harmful to our community members and inconsistent with the University ’ s mission . This document defines bias activity , harassment , and discrimination describes how to make a report to the University , and outlines the role of the Bias Activity Review Group and protocol used to respond to reports .
Bias Activity is an umbrella term used to describe conduct or behavior ( verbal , nonverbal , or written ) that is characterized by some expression of negative bias against a group or individual and is based on that group ’ s or individual ’ s actual or perceived Protected Class status .
Protected Classes , per University policy , include : race , religion , age , gender , sexual orientation , gender identity , national origin , disability status , color , marital status , veteran status , genetic characteristics , or any other characteristic protected by federal , state , or local law .
Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is so frequent or severe that it objectively creates a hostile or offensive work environment or results in a negative employment action ( such as being fired or demoted ). For example , assault , threats , insults or offensive graffiti may be illegal harassment . ( EEOC ) https :// www . eeoc . gov / employers / small-business / eeoc-glossary-small-businesses # harassment
Discrimination is treating a person or a group of people less favorably based on a Protected Class status . ( EEOC ) https :// www . eeoc . gov / employers / small-business / eeoc-glossary-small-businesses # race _ discrimination
Retaliation is taking adverse action against an individual for reporting an incident of bias , harassment , or discrimination , or for cooperating in the investigation of such a report .
Although not all acts of bias rise to the level of harassment or discrimination as defined in University policy , the University will respond to all reports of bias activity in order to promote a safe and respectful campus environment for all community members .
How to Make a Report
In case of an immediate threat or emergency , call the Office of Public Safety at 215-641-5522 ext . 21111 , activate a blue light emergency call phone on campus , or dial 9-1-1 to reach local law enforcement .
For all other reports of bias activity , please use the Bias Activity Reporting Form https :// cm . maxient . com / reportingform . php ? GwyneddMercyCollege & layout _ id = 11 or email BIAS @ GMercyu . edu .
Both anonymous and non-anonymous reports of bias activity may be made through the online Bias Activity Reporting Form . Please know that anonymous reports may limit the University ’ s capacity to investigate , respond , or follow up .
Why Report ?
Filing a report of bias activity , harassment , and / or discrimination helps the University create a safe and welcoming campus climate that better supports everyone ' s ability to learn and / or work . It is the responsibility of all community members to report harmful behavior . The University not only seeks to address harmful conduct through applicable policies and processes , but to provide support and